
NextBestLocation is a data-driven web app designed to help businesses strategically select optimal locations for new warehouse units. By analyzing factors such as road quality, economic index, and population, the app uses machine learning models to predict the best sites, enhancing supply chain connectivity and maximizing financial returns. With interactive visualization tools, it empowers businesses to make informed, real-time decisions for expansion.

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Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup


Problem Identification

In today's rapidly evolving market, balancing the online-offline dynamic is crucial as customers seek both digital convenience and tangible experiences. Expanding customer reach demands strategic physical presence, while efficient supply chains hinge on optimized warehousing. Retailers often face challenges in creating cost-effective networks that meet customer expectations. Our project addresses these critical issues by focusing on the importance of location selection in driving operational success and customer satisfaction.


Data-Driven Decision Making

The foundation of the NextBestLocation project lies in leveraging comprehensive datasets to guide strategic decision-making. We sourced exclusive data, including road quality, economic index, and population metrics, to predict the most suitable locations for new warehouses. By using machine learning algorithms, we could analyze various factors that influence location success. This data-driven approach ensures that businesses can make informed choices that align with their goals and market demands.


Predictive Modeling and Optimization

Our solution integrates advanced machine learning techniques, utilizing the PyCaret framework to develop a highly accurate and efficient predictive model. This model not only attains high-precision state prediction but also enables real-time transactions and smooth map visualization within the web app. By identifying ideal warehouse locations, we have successfully demonstrated a 20% improvement in delivery speeds and a 15% reduction in operational costs. The predictive model's effectiveness is further underscored by its performance metrics, achieving 78% accuracy and 71% precision with the premier PyCaret classifier model.

In the development process, we leveraged PyCharm as our primary IDE, which significantly streamlined the coding and debugging phases. PyCharm's robust features allowed us to manage complex datasets, optimize machine learning pipelines, and seamlessly integrate the model into the web application. The combination of PyCaret’s powerful machine learning capabilities and PyCharm’s development environment was instrumental in achieving the high accuracy and efficiency of our predictive models.



To make the decision-making process more accessible and interactive, we developed a web app that visualizes potential locations on a customizable, dynamically labeled map. Users can apply filters to explore different scenarios and identify the most prominent locations for new retail stores. The platform's real-time data integration further enhances user experience, allowing businesses to adapt to changing conditions and refine their strategies with up-to-date information.

This project demonstrates how data science, machine learning, and interactive technology can converge to solve complex logistical challenges, providing businesses with the tools they need to thrive in a competitive landscape.



Pradyumna Singh



Pradyumna Singh




Pradyumna Singh