
Course Overflow: Revolutionizing Study Sessions with Automated PlaylistsCourse Overflow automates the creation of YouTube playlists from uploaded course curriculums, saving students time and enhancing their learning experience. It fosters a collaborative environment where study resources can be easily shared and accessed.

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Problem Statement

In the current educational landscape, students often find themselves overwhelmed with the vast amount of online study material and resources. Managing these resources efficiently becomes a significant challenge, especially during exam preparation. Traditionally, students spend countless hours curating playlists of YouTube videos and other study materials, often relying on shared Google Docs or similar tools to keep track of useful content. This manual process is time-consuming and inefficient, leading to stress and decreased productivity.


The Solution and Its Impact

Course Overflow is a web application designed to simplify the creation of study playlists. By allowing students to upload their course curriculum or specific topics, the app automatically generates YouTube playlists tailored to their needs. This automated approach saves students valuable time and ensures access to relevant and organized study materials. Additionally, these playlists can be shared with classmates and future students, fostering a collaborative learning environment and ensuring that high-quality study resources are easily accessible to everyone.

Key Features:

Automated Playlist Generation: Upload course curriculum to create organized YouTube playlists instantly.

Collaborative Sharing: Share playlists with classmates and future students to promote collective learning.

User-Friendly Interface: A dynamic and responsive React.js front-end ensures seamless user interactions across diverse devices.

Efficient Back-End Integration: Built with Django, the back-end components enhance performance and reliability.


Tech Stack and Technical Analysis


  • React.js: Utilized to build a dynamic and responsive user interface. React’s component-based architecture allows for reusable UI components, making the development process more efficient and the app more scalable.

  • Responsive Design: Ensures compatibility with a wide range of devices, providing a seamless experience whether accessed via a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.


  • Django: Chosen for its robust and scalable nature, Django handles the back-end operations, including data processing and API integrations. Its built-in features like authentication and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) facilitate rapid development and secure operations.

  • Database: Django’s ORM allows for easy integration with databases, ensuring efficient data storage and retrieval. The choice of database can vary, but typically a relational database like PostgreSQL or MySQL is preferred for its reliability and performance.

Technical Highlights:

  • Automated Syllabus Parsing: Leveraging natural language processing (NLP) to parse the uploaded curriculum and identify key topics, which are then used to search for relevant YouTube videos.

  • API Integration: Utilizing YouTube Data API to fetch and compile video links based on the parsed syllabus topics, ensuring that the generated playlists are accurate and comprehensive.

  • Scalability: The combination of React and Django provides a scalable solution capable of handling increased user load and expanding functionalities as the user base grows.

Course Overflow is more than just an app; it’s a tool designed to revolutionize how students prepare for exams. By automating the creation of study playlists, it not only saves time but also enhances the overall learning experience. The collaborative sharing feature ensures that quality study resources are passed down, benefiting future students. With a robust tech stack and a user-centric approach, Course Overflow is set to significantly impact the academic community.



The user flow highlights the different pathways a user can take when trying to navigate Huzl app. The app employs a simple and straightforward navigation system that allows users to move effortlessly between different sections and features, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable user experience.



Pradyumna Singh



Pradyumna Singh




Pradyumna Singh