Justbaat Ai CMS Plugin

The Justbaat AI CMS Plugin is a versatile tool designed to simplify the integration and management of various types of advertisements on WordPress sites. It enhances content monetization through easy-to-configure ad placements, making it an essential tool for site publishers.

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Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup


Problem Statement

Website owners often struggle with efficiently integrating and managing multiple ad formats, which can negatively impact user experience and site performance. The need for a solution that allows seamless ad integration, optimal positioning, and enhanced viewability without compromising the website’s performance is paramount.


My Contribution

• Developed the user interface from scratch using vanilla JavaScript, ensuring platform independence and responsiveness.

• Utilized Azure Blob Storage for efficient asset management, ensuring quick and reliable access to necessary resources.

• Implemented Firestore for streamlined deployment, facilitating smooth updates and maintenance.

• Used Webpack to bundle the JavaScript, optimizing the performance and load times of the plugin.

• Focused on creating an intuitive dashboard that allows publishers to easily set and configure ad positions and other settings.


Features and Technical Analysis

Diverse Ad Integration: Supports multiple ad formats including popup ads, rewarded ads, and more.

Configurable Dashboard: Publishers can easily set and adjust ad positions and configurations through an intuitive dashboard.

Platform-Independent UI: Developed in vanilla JS to ensure compatibility across various platforms and devices.

Real-Time Data Refresh: Utilizes a third-party script for real-time data updates, enhancing ad performance and viewability.

Enhanced User Engagement: By refreshing ad slots, the plugin ensures ads remain relevant and engaging for site visitors.



The Justbaat AI CMS Plugin addresses the critical need for effective ad management on WordPress sites. Through my contributions, particularly in developing a platform-independent UI, the plugin provides an easy-to-use solution for publishers to enhance ad viewability and engagement. This project showcases my skills in UI development and my ability to create functional, user-friendly tools that solve real-world problems.



Pradyumna Singh



Pradyumna Singh




Pradyumna Singh